

by: Gary A. Borger

As successful fly fishers, we need to play the role of the predator, focusing closely on the fish’s ability to sense its environment. We must become the hunter, paying close attention to clothing, approach angle, walking and wading, the tactics of casting and line handling, the skills of setting the hook and fighting the fish, and more. B&W Ilus; 192 pgs.

Casting & General Fly Fishing Techniques


Meet the Author
Books of Gary A. Borger

In this book, Gary Borger explores the angler as predator, discussing the how-to and why-to of the tactics of “pretending,” of hunting and stalking fish, of predatory casting techniques such as the sidearm roll cast, the elliptical stroke, the “C” pickup and many others. There are thorough discussions of the fish’s environment and the way they detect predators with their vision and hearing. Fishing after dark is an excellent predatory tactic, and Gary covers this topic in detail. In addition, understanding the many ways of setting the hook allows the fly fisher to take the fight to the fish in a positive way. There are also discussions of using the tip, the mid-section, and butt of the rod during the fight, using side pressure and vertical pressure, fighting the fish without using the rod, and other highly effective tactics. Throughout the book, the “how to” is animated with stories that stretch back for more than five decades of Gary’s fly-fishing life. Complementing all of this is a collection of black and white photos of the Angler as Predator and dozens of illustrations by Jason Borger.


ISBN: 0-9854280-0-7
Publisher: Atlas / Bookmasters
Publish Date: 08-31-2013